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2004-01-04 - 10:58 a.m.

back to the grind: 2004/more/fun

The vacation was great on some many different levels, but now its time to hit the books one last time. On top of the bar is that marathon business. Training started monday and already it doesn't look to promising. After a supposed one mile warm up jog i was holding my chest and gasping for air. I guess that is to be expected after so many years of sitting on my ass watching vh1, but its still a bummer. I will keep plugginh away and hopely by the middle of march i will be around my five mile goal.

Studying still suck and i will leave it at that. I've already decided that i would rather be working, but those are the breaks. Better learn to take advantage of it.

The holidays were nice with my little brother back from japan. The problem with holidays around here is that everybody you know comes back to town. You have to squeeze in everyone you know in a four night span (daytime is for families) and if you don't you probaly won't see those people for another year or so. Locals hustle on vacation to accomadate and we do the best we can. No hard feelings.

New York, once again, was awesome. Everytime i head out there i start to question why it is that i live in Detroit, but then i get back home and its all good. I had a great time hanging out with all of the new york crew and they always show me a really fun time. Special thanks to gabby s. for the delicious dinner and extra special thanks to our hosts trevor and ann.

Have you seen any of the pictures from mars? its like the future is now!



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