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2003-06-26 - 10:37 p.m.

nothing new,

its been a pretty sweet day so far:

I got up at 6:30 and hit the gym then got breakfast before school.

Took the big halfway point 200 question barbri test and didn't walk out or anything halfass like that.

Got home around 5pm and decided to take the rest of the day off.

Day not wasted:

1) watched that great movie with james woods as a nyc cop taking around michael j. fox, an actor from hollywood.

2) treated myself to 1/2 lb burger/combo job from wendy's.

3) polished off a couple of cans of ye ol'highlife and had a prog rock out with the radiohead/mars volta albums.

4) enjoyed that cool refreshing air conditioner

tonite i'm off to windsor following the crowd. maybe we'll find death.



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