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2002-02-18 - 5:01 p.m.

does that really rhyme:

tion and ron

i don't really know. anyways, the mock trial thing turned out alright. we made it all the way to the semi-finals before we were uncermonious elimated by some southern belles from lexington, kentucky. my slick big city jury-baiting antics were no match for that genuine southern charm. that accent was made for courthouse.

all in all, i'm happy with the results, but it does kind of hurt once you get into that competive mode. two days earlier figured we'd lose three rounds straight and be eliminated the first night we were there. i would have been done early friday night with a free hotel room and a generous allowance from wayne state university for fo. i could have done a lot of damage in ak-town, but it didn't work out that way. after we won a couple rounds that "karate kid" tournament music got in my head and i started taking it all to seriously. after we broke past the prliminary rounds saturday evening i spent the night going over my notes and trying to unscramble hotel pornos. after a while i did get a couple movies to come in--zoolander (right on!) and that "other" movie with owen wilson and gene hackman (what?).

we were eliminated sunday afternoon and i made it home just in time for the wrestling pay-per-view. hollywood hulk hogan and the NWO made their long awaited debut. kurt angle, "the olympic hero", beat HHH and chris jericho got to keep his straps versus stone cold steve austin with the help of the NWO. great show.



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