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2003-03-10 - 10:23 a.m.


so spring break is finally here and i decided to set up a bunker in my apartment for the duration. i closed all the binds, bought some bread and hamburger condiments, and washed my robe all in preparation for a week locked down.

so far no good. i'm still waking up way to early. there is nothing remotely interesting on t.v. from 9:30 till about 1:00. sports center is a lot better with the sound off so i slip on a cd (not to loud because everyone in the building is asleep (dayjobs?)). pistons won last night. wings lost to florida; um and state gear up for the big ten conference tourney all this week in chicago. enough of this time to watch videos.

i find that watching videos is much better with the sound off.

Is it too early for a lunch break? i'm thinking fajitas.


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