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2003-03-12 - 9:25 a.m.

man, i had this sweet minute by minute detailed log of our day trip to the a2. i accidently hit the back button and lost everything right after I finished.

i can't do this again. i'm really kinda bummed out now. later


p.s. thats not fair. here's a recap

--driving tour around campus early morning

--reading all of the magizines at borders (that i already read at towers)

--walking through a SOLE rally/poetry slam on the diag.

--meeting daviddog for lunch at red hot's

--the aroma from joe's freedom fries overpowering my hamburger

--an expensive drink at ashleys

--some cheaper drinks at scorekeepers

--dinner with fran and kevin smith at sabor latino.

I finished the evening with a night cap and a pizza over at colins. bloodsport was on t.v.



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